Ricardo Pajarito Moreno wore fine English cashmere suits and drove a luxurious Cadillac. Those were his good times, when his feathers were covered in pure gold, but he himself cut off his flight and ended his days in a three-by-three-meter cage in the city of Durango, in a gym ironically called El Refugio.io”.
By Rodolfo Rosales S.
Ricardo Pajarito Moreno wore fine English cashmere suits and drove a luxurious Cadillac. Those were his good times, when his feathers were covered in pure gold, but he himself cut off his flight and ended his days in a three-by-three-meter cage in the city of Durango, in a gym ironically called El Refugio.io”.
The life of this great boxer who shone in the 1950s, where he experienced everything, such as the inauguration of the Mexico City Autodrome, the 1957 earthquake, which culminated in the fall of the Ángel de la Independence.
Boxing was no stranger to that modernity and it was Ricardo Moreno who starred in the first boxing performance at the majestic Arena México. It was on Saturday, April 28, 1956, against the Cuban Oscar Suárez, whom he demolished in two rounds to defeat him by knockout.
The arena became a branch of the asylum, with fans that idolized Moreno, who that year filmed the movie Police and Robbers, alongside Adalberto Martínez Resortes.s.
Fame and fortune made him lose track of reality, because a year later, in 1957, he filmed the film La sombra del otro, with Viruta and Capulina, as well as Ana Bertha Lepe and the sisters Lorena and Tere Velázquez.z.
The acting world engulfed him; He even became a great friend of Germán Valdés (Tin Tán), who is said to have taught him how to dress.
It is said that his arrival in show business led him into the clutches of alcoholism, which was the beginning of the end of his career, which he had built based on blows, since he was born on February 7, 1937 in Chalchihuites, Zacatecas. , he was known as the Barretero, for his great knuckle power.s.
Of course, he had no technique, but he had plenty of dynamite in his knuckles and simplicity, he was a fighter of the people and for the people, that is why he was a sports idol.
And as the popular saying goes, he who does not have and comes to have, can go crazy. El Pajarito led an excessively luxurious life, he had everything: a Cadillac with gold caps, a residence in Pedregal de San Ángel, a boat for his partying and a restaurant in Acapulco and legend has it that to amaze diners, he lit their cigars with 100 peso bills!esos!
When he flew higher, he himself put alcohol on his wings and burned them. Vice led him to experience the worst of hell in life.
The life of excesses took its toll on him, he stopped fighting, his money ran out, they say that for a year and two months he was admitted to a Campestre psychiatric hospital, heading to Puebla, because he fell into destitution and they said he was crazy.
After leaving that place, he was seen around Salto del Agua, where the Jordan gym was located, where he lived on charity, until one day he returned to his native Zacatecas, from where he left for the City of Durango, where they left him. living in a small room, where far from all the luxuries, he died in a cardboard bed on June 24, 2008.